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News and Events

Title of News   Date
Workshop on Development and utilization of Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank (DU-BRKB)   11-13 April, 2011

A 3-days workshop on Development and Utilization of Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank (DUBRKB) project was held at Training class room, BRRI, Gazipur. Dr. Md. Abdul Mannan, Director General, BRRI, attended at the workshop as Chief Guest and delivered his speech. Dr. Md. Khairul Bashar, Director (Research) presided over the meeting and Dr. Md. Syedul Islam, Director (Administration) attended the workshop as special guest.

Dr Md Islam Uddin Mollah, PSO and Head Training Division, BRRI and PI, DUBRKB, coordinated the workshop and and Dr. Md. Fazlul Islam Khan, SSO, BRRI, Co-PI DUBRKB overall management the workshop. BRKB related sixteen senior scientists of BRRI and four agricultural officers were attended the workshop as participants. [ more details ]

Training on Development and utilization of Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank (DU-BRKB)   22-24 March, 2011
  DUBRKB organized 3-days training for 22 SAAO and computer operators of Union Parishad Information and Service Centre.  
      Photo session of the participants
Training on Development and utilization of Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank (DU-BRKB)   26-28 February, 2011
  DUBRKB organized 3-days training for 28 SAAO of DAE.  
      Photo Session of the participants


Workshop on USG (Guti urea) Applicator

  08 October 2009

The BRRI and Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) jointly organized a workshop on 08 October 2009 to evaluate the effectiveness BRRI developed USG applicator alongwith other five types. Agriculture Minister, Begum Matia Chowdhury inaugurated the workshop and observed different models of applicators and their performances in the field.

The minister said that the farmers would get optimum opportunity by using newly developed applicators of the granulated urea. The applicator will save time and expenditure of the farmers and also reduce their physical labour.

      USG applicator testing in the field
NDC team visits BRRI
  29 April 2009
A 53-member-team of National Defence Course (NDC) from Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka visited Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) on Wednesday (29 April 2009) in Gazipur.BRRI Director General Dr Md Firoze Shah Sikder presided over the meeting, organized on the occasion of the visit, at the VIP conference room of the institute.

BRRI Director General also welcomed the team at the institute and briefed the team members about its main features including its success in development of high yielding rice varieties and other appropriate technologies as well as their impact on the national economy.

The team headed by Brigadier General Ilyas Iftekher Rasul NDC, PSC was deeply impressed after being informed about BRRI's success and achievements as well as having a look on Plant Breeding Net House, Hybrid Material Development Nursery and the BRRI Gene Bank of BRRI.
Higher military and civil officials from twelve countries including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Srilanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Zordan, Sudan, Qatar, KSA and Nigeria took part in the visit programme.

Dr M A Salam and Dr A W Zulfiquar, BRRI Directors and Dr M Musherraf Husain Coordinator for Advanced Studies and Research of BRRI also spoke on the occasion.A very lively and brilliant interactive session was held between BRRI officials and NDC team members.Heads of 18 research divisions of the institute, senior BRRI scientists and officials attended the meeting.Organizers said the visit was arranged as the part of a regular educational activities including exchange of ideas and knowledge in the areas of research and development as well as pleasantries.

A view of audience
NDC team visiting rice research plot
  IRRI-BRRI-STRASA Project organized a meeting at BRRI Conference Room. Dr Md Abdur Razzaque, Minister for Food and Dieaster Management delivering attended the meeting as Chief Guest. Dr Razzaque appreciated BRRIs actvities in his speech.  
Dr Md Abdur Razzaque, Minister for Food and Dieaster Management delivering his speech at IRRI-BRRI-STRASA workshop at BRRI
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